老黄瓜 1条 (清洗后,切块,无需祛皮)
玉米 1条
萝卜 1条
红枣 8枚 (祛心)
蜜枣 1枚
玉竹 约200克
素肉 (适量) 水1500毫升
调味料 (胡椒粒,素粉,盐少许) 将以上材料一起, 以小火炖煮约2.5-3小时。
1 Old cucumber (Wash and cut, Leave the skin on)
1 Sweet corn
1 carrot
8 Red dates (Pitted) 1 Candied jujube 200Grm Yu Zhu (Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati)
Vegetarian Mock Meat 1.5 Liters of water White pepper, mushrooms powder and salt to taste *2 persons serving Put all the above ingredients in a pot and simmer over low heat for about 2.5-3 hours. The longer the boiling time, the more delicious the soup is. If you are using a pressure cooker, I would suggest you to pressure cook for about 1 to 1.5 hours (if time allows), to get all the flavors in the soup. Love what you see? Subscribe to us for more updates! ~ #老黄瓜玉米汤 #OldCucumberSweetCornSoup #vegetarian #herbal