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【Breakfast with me 与我一起准备早餐】

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” Breakfast is often put across as the most important meal of the day. What we consume first thing in the morning is as much about mental alertness as it is about providing fuel for the body. Knowing that is important, Do you still often skip breakfast like i do? Recently, I learn about a breakfast recipe that takes only 5 minutes and today i'am gonna share about it. An option will be having done the night before, keep it in the fridge and microwave before eating. *Not advisable to keep it more than a night in the fridge. Suitable for both adults and kids.

Serves 分量: 1 人份 Ingredients 材料:

Pepper,Jap Mayonnaise, Himalayan Pink Salt, Paprika, Egg (Portion adjustable to individual liking. 可随着各人的喜爱调整调味料的分量。) Method 做法: Mix all of the above ingredient and stuff them into a bread.

I love having them stuff in a Croissant.

Simple and easy! Try it out!

I hope you find this useful. Don't forget to Hit the LIKE button! 

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