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小孩吃太多的零食导致胃口不好,怎么办? 【太子参淮山茯苓汤Tai Zi Shen,Huai Shan&Fu Ling Soup】

Updated: Nov 5, 2021


孩子们乘家长忙碌的时候,没人督促的情况下,较喜欢吃一些不健康的零食。 不良的饮食习惯,常导致小孩脾胃不适,比如孩子会出现发烧,咳嗽,腹泻,该吃饭的时候没有胃口。。。等等的不适。 孩子若病了,全家也受影响。 想孩子健健康康的,首先需把脾胃调理好,可使用汤水补充营养之用。

今天将为大家推荐适合成人及小孩的”太子参淮山茯苓汤“。 《太子参淮山茯苓汤》可健脾,润肺止咳,清心安神; 对胃口不佳,不长肉的小孩们有帮助,还能增强免疫力。

材料: 淮山 30克 陈皮 1小块 蜜枣 3粒 太子参 30克 百合 20克 党参 20克 茯苓 20克

素肉 (适量) 水1500毫升

做法: 将以上材料一起, 以小火炖煮约2.5-3小时。




成人及小孩 Ingredients:

Huai Shan 30克

Dried Tangerine Peel 1小块 Honey Dates 3粒 Tai Zi Shen 30克

Dried Lily Bulb 20克

Dang Shen 20克 Sliced Fu Ling 20克

Vegetarian Mock Meat 1.5 Liters of water *2 persons serving, adjustment can be made according to individuals symptoms.

Cooking Instructions: Rise the herbs under running water. Cut Dang Shen into sections. Soak dried Tangerine peel until soft. Put all the above ingredients in a pot and simmer over low heat for about 2.5-3 hours. The longer the boiling time, the more delicious the soup is. If you are using a pressure cooker, I would suggest you to pressure cook for about 30mins, to get all the flavors in the soup. Suitable for:

Vegetarian Adults and Children's

Tai Zi Shen,Huai Shan&Fu Ling Soup, beside improving the children's spleen and stomach function, It also helps to enhance the absorption of nutrient. The above soup is NOT suitable for those who are unwell and is running a fever.


淮山的主要功效是健脾开胃,将淮山加入小孩们的饮食中,可助于营养的吸收。 淮山有新鲜和干品,两者都有预防病毒的功效。 从中医学的角度来说,淮山味甘,性平;新鲜淮山可凉拌、炒菜、煮饭或粥里。 淮山常配搭百合、芡实、莲子食用。 Love what you see? Subscribe to us for more updates! ~

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